Reading is so very important for many reasons. From the very beginning we’re encouraged to read. Our parents and teachers start out telling great little stories from the colorfully illustrated pages of a book. The need for the ability to read is more important than any imagination can ever be. Some of the lessons we learn in school will never be used again but reading isn’t one of them. Everyone will use this strength in life. This amazing strength of the mind will be exercised everyday of our lives. No one can teach you what to enjoy. That part is very personal and specific to each individual. Reading gives us great and never ending authority over our lives from kindergarten to college and way beyond. Any person curious about this topic; surf over to; reading worksheet for kids at home.
Well before your child is in a position to read, you should be reading to them. This is something that they do with their parents, something which will enhance their reading skills through placing an emphasis on reading as being something that they enjoy, and something which isn’t solely an educational based activity. When you’re reading to your child from a young age, you should enable them to pick the books that they ‘d like you to read, and you should also allow them to interact with the story in as many ways as they can this will also contribute to improve how well they engage with the book, and how much fun they can have from reading. It will be much more natural as you evolve into them reading to you through reading to your child.
Taking a step back….
When your children reach an age that they’re reading to you, it is important they you don’t turn this into something which they associate with school and a formal practise that is done entirely to be benefit their education. In order to ensure this happens, don’t correct their mistakes, only assist them to pronounce words if they ask and ensure you remain concentrated on the plot of the story rather than focused on the extent to which they story is being read to you. Through ensuring that you and your child read together you’ll also create a formidable bond between parent and child which will ultimately assist them to be more open with you about all areas of their education.
When your child has read aloud with you, and have been read to from a young age, they’ll then evolve into reading on their own. This is something which you should always encourage, as soon as they able to read, and you can handle it through giving it to them as a reward. Let’s say your child doesn’t want to go to sleep, then you could let them read on their own for a brief while before they go to bed. Another great way to reward your child with letting them read on their own would be tantamount to treat them with buying them a book. Once your child is in a position to read on their own you should also encourage conversation about their books, talk about characters and plot, and try to come into an engaging conversation about it.
Reading to your child can be extremely important, and should be carried out by parents well before their child is in a position to read and write on their own. They will start to associate reading as being a good thing and something which they enjoy on a recreational level through reading to your child from a young age. Once they start to enjoy reading they’ll then be more inclined to read on their own in later years. These will in turn enhance their vocabulary, written English and skill when it is a question of communicating. Another, often forgot about, benefit of reading to your child from a young age can be located in the relationship that it forms between parent and child. When a child remembers being read too from a young age, they’ll be most likely to want to read to their parent, when they can, and will likewise be more willing to open up to their parents about other aspects of their training and development in later years.
You should also allow your child to read to you when they get old enough to be in a position to do it just like reading to your child when they’re very young. This is an essential part of your child’s development and will contribute to form a bond between you and your child which will put you in a situation to better help them as they grow older. When your child is in a position to read to you, do not make it feel like a job for them. This means that you shouldn’t correct every mistake that they make, insist upon grammatical perfection, or require them to read as far as possible this is the sure fire way to repress the enjoyment that they able to obtain from reading. If your child is having difficulty with pronouncing words then the same is true if they directly ask you how to pronounce a certain word then tell them, but do not otherwise. When your child is learning to read, you can offer them a great head start by making sure that their training doesn’t end in the class room.
When it comes to child development, it is a mistake to think that it stops when your child is in a position to read and write to a particular level. Child development should continue throughout your child’s younger years and well into their teen years. In order to ensure gets the best possible start in life, remember to never allow their education life-cycle to stop prematurely in terms of whatever you can offer.
I have wonderful memories of my grandmother reading to me from books that are now consider to be antiques. Bunny Bunnyville was my all time favorites. It had the best illustrations and the story encouraged me to imagine. No matter how many times I heard it, I still loved it. The pictures were big and colorful and the words would always take my young mind into the forest with all the bunnies as they painted the flowers for spring and as the tiny little creatures painted rainbows across the sky for everyone to enjoy. I knew that the words were there even if I didn’t know how to interpret them. As I grew older my grandmother would point to a word and say it to me and later she would write the word on a blank piece of paper and ask me if I could read it. It was at that very early age that I realized the story couldn’t be told by pictures alone. The words at the back of those pages were the most important element of the story.
Years later after I had learned all the words in that book and several other books. I learned very quickly in school that I couldn’t write a word if I could read it first. School is all about reading comprehension and ones ability to fully understand the assignments given to them. Words weren’t the only thing I had to get to read. I had to learn to read numbers as well. Math is another lesson that will be used through out our lives. It was in high school when I started to see just how important reading was going to be in my life. The teachers would pile on the assignments and each one of them required me to read. Some of them required technical and others encouraged me to read for pleasure. I excelled at pleasure reading, however I did learn that technical reading was just as important. I used my ability to read to the maximum in college when the majority of the work I was asked to complete needed research, and the ability to understand what I was reading. Essay after essay pulled from my mind the necessity to read.
Now I have children of my men and I have read to them from the day they were born. Like myself they started out on colorful illustrations. I drew them to the books with my own enthusiasm. It didn’t take long for them to establish their own excitement for reading. I like to think that I am the dawn of the most wonderful ability in life. I am the person whom gave them a powerful force that they’ll use during the rest of their lives.
FAQ’s: How to learn to read English?Hi everyone, English isn't my native language and I'm learning it. Can you explain me how to learn to read English? How did you learn to read it? Thanks!
This is what you can do in order to improve your language skills: Actually, broadening/improving one's language skills is a very broad concept, it should be done in more than one ways at the same time which is highly recommended. One can NOT become better ONLY in one area, say, reading, one MUST improve skills in ALL dimensions of the language! Learning language well requires being as active as possible and making the learning as FUN for oneself as possible. Taking lessons is always important, but equally important are these: 1) Listen/watch: Keep listening to internet radio stations like BBC, watch TV shows in English (use only subtitles, NOT voice dubbing in case you are not a native English speaker!), etc. 2) Write/communicate: Try to find discussion forums from the web about things that you find interesting and FUN (music/various artists, hobbies, etc.) and start communicating there with other people using only English. Start using instant messaging systems in case you find some new friends or start emailing them. Please do NOT be afraid of making mistakes or hesitating, because even native speakers do make mistakes and do hesitate at times! The more you enjoy communicating, the better! 3) Buy yourself a proper dictionary, and each time when you see a strange word that you do not understand, look it up. Putting words into their CONTEXT is one of the best ways to broaden one's vocabulary and grammar knowledge, the more you read and write the better. Memorising is NOT the best way to go with learning vocabulary, grammar or any other language areas! For idioms, you should buy an all-English dictionary which explains the words in English and shows you examples of how to use the words in their REAL context. The main point in ANY language learning is to make it as fun as possible for yourself. Try to find topics that INTEREST you, read online newspapers (Times, Guardian, Independent…), listen to BBC/NBC and other radio stations online, if you find a discussion forum for e.g. your favourite hobby or your idols in music do participate there, etc. The key word here is CONTEXT, which means that it is easier to learn new words and their usage as well as grammar when you use/see them in their real CONTEXT. The more you see and hear the new words in their context and the more you use them in your speech & writing, the easier it becomes to remember their meanings and correct spelling. Do NOT be afraid of making mistakes though, because even native speakers do make mistakes and do hesitate at times! I'm sorry there is NO EASY WAY out with this, one really must develop language skills in ALL these language "levels" or dimensions in order to reach better language skills!! Last but not least: NEVER EVER use ANY online translators, they are nothing but utter rubbish!! English is practically EVERYWHERE in the online world these days, you just have to use your imagination to find it! Learning pace is always personal, it takes the time it takes so there is no reason to hurry it up too much. If you do, you will not learn so well. Also, please learn the basics of the standard English first before advancing to finer details like dialects/accents. A word of warning though: Do stay well away from overrated, overpriced and overhyped language "gimmicks" such as Rosetta Stone, they really are NOT worth for checking out! Also, never mind about your accent, as the main goal for you is that others understand you and you being able to understand other speakers. Good luck!
how are you writing in engliah then
Learn letters of the alphabet sound each of them out as you go along the sentence. Soon enough as all the sounds come together it will sound like a whole word put the sounds together. The ways learned, was singing alphabet and people read to me.
What helped me was to read basically anything English out loud, preferably (online) newspaper articles and books. Other than that to get the pronunciation right, I listened to my favorite songs reading along the lyrics in order to get an idea and feeling for the accent (try American, Australian and British English). That way you learn new local vocabulary as well that isn't used or has a different meaning in another country.
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The post Learning To Learn appeared first on The Shape of Things.